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School Supply

Proyectos e impactos 2021

Después de darse cuenta del éxito de nuestra campaña de recaudación de fondos de otoño de 2020, la junta de SCEF identificó tres proyectos importantes para 2021, además de nuestro trabajo regular con The Locker, becas y otros esfuerzos continuos.


Obtenga más información sobre nuestros proyectos e impactos continuos aquí.  y esfuerzos de 2020 aquí .

High School Friends

J Family Fund Teacher and Staff Grant Program at Stevenson High School

The SCEF was honored to receive a generous donation from the J Family Fund.  This gift to our community is focused on enhancing the student experience at Stevenson High School through support of teachers and staff.   Everyone at the school was encouraged to find ways to help.

The J Family Fund is directed by SHS alumni that want to help students today and in the future enjoy their high school experience at as much as they did.  They recognize how students' everyday school activity can be positively affected by support through both front-line and behind the scenes projects.  We feel the same way, and are tremendously grateful for their gracious gift.


With support from school administration, we have been able to award grants to several projects and continue to receive applications for funding.


Fall 2022 J Family Fund supported projects include (SHS only), as of November: 

  • Scientific calculators

  • Biology science kits

  • Chemistry science kits

  • Tools and supplies for automotive and metals shop classes

  • White boards for three mathematics classrooms, promoting interactive learning through student action in new curriculum

  • Bluetooth heart monitors for use in physical education, helping students learn about measuring heart health

  • Class sets of new novel reading books

  • Student and local artist collaborative mural on campus

  • New sheet music for band students

  • Funding for assistance with students' and their families' social, emotional and behavioral needs across the district in support of SCSD's new social worker

  • Active large group learning tools, including interactive demonstration monitor and sound system for safety training of Lewis and Clark kayakers

  • Scoring setup for wrestling events, including hosting district competition in 2023

  • Tools and equipment for student locker cleaning and preparation

  • Floor scrubber for common areas

  • Weight room equipment, including new bars

  • Pans, racks, trays and more for efficiency in the kitchen

  • Freshman Academy T shirts

  • ID lanyards for all students and staff

Fall 2022 Teacher
Grant Program

The SCEF completed its third Teacher Grant Program cycle, and second in a year, with over $10,000 awarded to Stevenson Elementary, Carson Elementary and Wind River Middle School classrooms in fall 2022.  At the same time, we offered funding from the J Family Fund for Stevenson High School projects.

For the first time, educator requests exceeded available funds, so the SCEF board prioritized projects with highest impact while finding some funding for each request.​  We thank teachers for their flexibility in finding ways to make every dollar count.


The TGP will transition to a fall project, with the next cycle in Fall 2023.  Offering grants near the beginning of the academic year helps educators plan, maximizing the effect of donations.

Fall 2022 Teacher Grant Program Funded projects include (SES, CES, WRMS only): 

  • Funding for assistance with students' and their families' social, emotional and behavioral needs across the district in support of SCSD's new social worker.

  • New photography equipment for WRMS Yearbook Club.

  • Bringing the OMSI Earth Science Outreach Program to sixth graders at WRMS .

  • Enhancing the Bridges Numbers Corner program at CES.

  • Hands-on learning materials, including puzzles, books play items and art supplies at SES.

  • Calming colors carpeting for the Special Education space at SES.

  • Literacy stations that provide room for differentiation of instruction to individuals or groups with varying needs in TK and Kindergarten at SES.

  • Flexible seating and reading stations at SES, helping students find ways to release energy without disturbing fellow classmates.

  • New book sets of novels for eighth grade at WRMS.

  • Teaching Strategies Gold tools and equipment, with physical, social-emotional, cognitive and mathematic focuses, enhancing curriculum at CES.

Technology Class

Profesor 2021
Programa de ayuda económica

El SCEF completó su primer Programa de Subvenciones para Maestros, con más de $ 10,000 otorgados a las aulas de SCSD en la primavera de 2021.

La SCEF espera el éxito de nuestro primer TGP  es el comienzo de algo muy especial para los estudiantes.  La participación de los educadores fue una gran parte del éxito del proyecto, y la gran pasión de los maestros por mejorar la experiencia en el aula y el plan de estudios se mostró en todas las solicitudes de financiamiento.

Los proyectos financiados por el Programa de Subvenciones para Maestros 2021 incluyen: 

  • Robots programables para estudiantes hi-cap, que hacen que la codificación sea más inclusiva, accesible e interesante para los jóvenes.

  • Lectura de libros y herramientas de discusión que promueven el crecimiento social y personal entre los estudiantes de tercer a quinto grado.

  • Asientos flexibles, elementos sensoriales y herramientas de gestión del aula sensoriales para los estudiantes de primer grado, que les ayudan a relajarse, concentrarse y mantener la atención.

  • Libros de lectura nuevos, actualizados y actuales para estudios de novelas de cuarto grado.

  • Herramientas de aprendizaje de Sight Word para ayudar a algunos estudiantes de segundo grado a ponerse al día con sus compañeros.

  • Actualizaciones a material y herramientas de alta calidad para la educación continua de los maestros en nuestras escuelas primarias.

  • Auriculares de calidad para cada estudiante de tercer y cuarto grado, además de ratones de computadora para estudiantes de quinto grado, cada uno una herramienta fundamental para el aprendizaje audible y en línea moderno.

School Supplies: Leveling the Playing Field

Beginning-of-year school supplies come at a price that is traditionally been covered by students’ families.  For some families in our community, the additional cost is easy to cover, but for may spending $25 per student or more can have a dramatic effect on household finances.  When parents are able to make purchases, students often arrive with vastly varying quality of supplies or missing some essentials.


We’re trying to level the playing field for all of our students, and sponsored school supplies can help promote equality in our student body.  Plus they help everyone start the new school year off on the right foot with the correct tools.

Like the year before, the SCEF is committed to funding school supplies for every SCSD student in the 2022-2023 academic year.  Supporters of school supplies this year included:

Skamania Lodge

Umpqua Bank

Backwoods Brewing

Beca para
Cursos de doble crédito

La fundación quiere ayudar a eliminar las barreras para obtener créditos universitarios en los cursos acreditados de SHS, incluidas las tasas de matrícula.  Estamos aquí para ayudar a empoderar a los estudiantes con un comienzo en una transcripción universitaria antes de que abandonen la escuela secundaria.

En 2021, los donantes proporcionaron matrículas de créditos de colegios comunitarios para 43 estudiantes de SHS.  Gracias a los donantes, estos estudiantes tienen una ventaja inicial en la búsqueda de una educación superior.

SHS graduation.jpg
Happy Kids Huddle

Anti bullying

Sabemos que sentirse seguro en la escuela es fundamental para el éxito de los estudiantes.

Estamos trabajando para llevar una campaña integral contra el acoso a los estudiantes, maestros y familias de primaria mayores.  Esperamos poner nuestro plan en acción tan pronto como los estudiantes puedan reunirse nuevamente en grupos grandes, después de la pandemia.

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