Proyectos e impactos 2021
Después de darse cuenta del éxito de nuestra campaña de recaudación de fondos de otoño de 2020, la junta de SCEF identificó tres proyectos importantes para 2021, además de nuestro trabajo regular con The Locker, becas y otros esfuerzos continuos.
Obtenga más información sobre nuestros proyectos e impactos continuos aquÃ. y esfuerzos de 2020 aquà .
J Family Fund
Teacher and Staff
Grant Program at
Stevenson High School
The J Family Fund came through again in 2023. Donors extended their previous guidance to use funds in many small projects that focus on enhancing the student experience at Stevenson High School.
The J Family Fund is directed by an SHS alum that wants to help students today and in the future enjoy their high school experience at as much as they did. They recognize how students' everyday school activity can be positively affected by support through both front-line and behind the scenes projects. This donor feels that students that enjoy school will be better engaged and better equipped to find success after graduation like they did. They would like to share that experience. We feel the same way, and are tremendously grateful for their gracious gift.
With support from school administration, we have been able to award grants to many small but impactful projects that students will appreciate across campus and throughout their time at high school.
Fall 2023 J Family Fund supported projects include (SHS only):
Wireless microphones for theater performances, helping bring the imaginations of performers and audience to life.
New computer hardware designed specifically for use in scoring track and wrestling events, which are growing both in popularity among students and in competitive standings. Go Bulldogs!
New PE equipment, including new cardio workout gear.
New music equipment for band students, including a portable keyboard and stand for student and sports events.
New kitchen equipment supporting meal preparation. This inexpensive but important impact will be appreciated every day by staff and students.
New chairs and storage for student and community assembly at the SHS gymnasium. New seating will be used for student gatherings, sporting events, graduation, theater productions and more.
Freshman Academy T Shirts. This popular purchase was a big hit with students in 2022, and its back and helping establish solidarity and camaraderie across SHS's newest class.
Fall 2023 Teacher
Grant Program
The SCEF completed its fourth Teacher Grant Program cycle with about $10,000 awarded to Stevenson Elementary, Carson Elementary and Wind River Middle School classrooms in fall 2023. At the same time, we offered funding from the J Family Fund for Stevenson High School projects (see above).
The TGP has transitioned to a fall project, with the next cycle set for Fall 2024. Offering grants near the beginning of the academic year helps educators plan, maximizing the effect of donations.
Fall 2023 Teacher Grant Program Funded projects include (SES, CES, WRMS only):
Education-oriented puzzles for young students. An engaging and fun way to learn that helps develop perseverance and critical thinking.
OMSI Classroom Program about earthquakes and the structures we build to survive them, bringing fun science to WRMS 6th grade students.
New choir music, including material that is more appropriate for middle school students' abilities and talents.
New Cricut machine, including accessories and media. Students can realize and apply their creativity as they work together to make everything from t-shirts to stencils, and other wearable and applicable art and school spirit items.
Playground structures for TK students, upgrading recess for our youngest learners.
Social emotional learning read-alouds supporting Slumberkins curriculum.
Wobble stools and other kid-friendly furniture that allow students to move as they learn, helping them find ways to spend some energy in a safe way.
New supporting materials for established elementary school language arts learning curriculum, including interactive presentation slides that keep students engaged.
Dramatic Play bundles, including a farmer's market, post office, and other role playing facilities that help early elementary students incorporate new language arts and math skills into fun role playing.
Desktop privacy screens to help reduce distractions and improve focus during individual learning time or test taking.
Sensory learning materials for TK students, providing hands-on experiences.
New equipment for TK and kindergarten PE classes that enhances gross motor skills and stimulate sensory integration. Multiple users will include students working with SPED teachers and PT and OT therapists.
Materials for a new "break room" as SES. This is a therapeutic and calming place for students that need time away from the classroom to find focus, reducing distractions in the classroom.
Floor puzzles covering many CKLA and STEM topics for young students, creating an opportunity to work in groups and to stimulate positive peer interaction.
Updated computer accessories for upper-elementary students.
Curriculum storage to protect longevity of materials for future students.